Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mind flows and Divine Bliss

 Divine bliss wants the stream of divine wisdom flow through us in our feelings. But divine streams become a trickle and maybe even just a ‘waste seepage’ until we are prepared to take the lid off and allow divine bliss to reveal the true source of the problem.
As with invasive possessive thoughts, the illusions can get through the smallest crack or opportunity and then grows there to block the Spirit’s flow. The only answer is to remove the blockage and repair the damage. That can be a bit painful and time consuming, not least during the process of cutting stubborn roots of illusions, to ensure a complete clearance.

My mind will need more attention before the wisdom flows freely and flexibly in my life, in my togetherness with friends and in my family. Maybe there will be a continual need for our lives to be observed  and inspected  but without any judgments’ from time to time, just to check that no more roots of illusion have got into our life system. I would rather be a flowing a wisdom stream from   divine bliss than a stagnant stream full of ungodliness!
Chaknop Khullar


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