Sunday, September 23, 2012


“Patience is not my ability to wait, but my ability to keep cool while I wait.”
We should learn to be patient even it seems it is taking roundabout way to get to our destination. Once we have chosen other choice, do we have any other choice except to be patient?
Impatience is a sign of pride, and the patience is the sign of wisdom. Practice of patience is important as we realize we can not solve every problem in haste and restless manner.
Waiting is a part of life. So let us wait well with patience and let us turn the waiting time to be an enjoying time.
Patience is not a substitute of lazy attitude and thus to delay the important meeting or discussion. It is just to cool the matter and giving the people concerned to come up with a more sensible answer to seek without being offended. Patience takes the pride out of the person.
The people, who are induced to impatient over what may happen next, succumb to helpless thoughts. If they adopt patience on results, they can plan   and act on plan using -their wisdom at the best.
We are to make allowances for patience, meekness, humility while listening to each other. When we are patient, we bear each other peacefully. How we interact each other is more important than what we interact about.
When you feel like most impatient, holding patience is most difficult, that is the best time to maintain patience. You may realize it later.
Buddha teaches us patience-attend to things detached way.
Chaknop Khullar

Kindness to self and Universe

Being kind to self does not mean we are selfish. Self is the part of universe and so we can not be truly kind to ourselves without being kind to the universe. As we consider our duty of kindness toward universe, our duty toward ourselves is already being taken care. If your kindness is true to humanity, the whole universe will come forward to support your duty to your-Self.
The patience is part of our kindness to us and to the universe. The patience gives enough time to our mind to settle into peace to the truth of the kindness. You achieve your vision of kindness with what you always want to be-calm, cool and cozy-easily in your thoughts and feelings. After all, your kindness is related to your happiness which does not depend just upon what you feel but how you feel.
Patience adds on kindness. Show kindness to impatience as it arises occasionally-it will begin unwinding to patience.
Kindness is so natural, so easy and so soft. Becoming too good may not be kindness as kindness at a cost may be worthless and unnecessary. Kindness, by its nature is not compulsive; you should not feel like doing under some compulsion.
 Through kindness we become part of solutions rather remaining being part of problems. We are all born unique in kindness and we should practice our kindness- uniquely and kindly.
Chaknop Khullar

Mind flows and Divine Bliss

 Divine bliss wants the stream of divine wisdom flow through us in our feelings. But divine streams become a trickle and maybe even just a ‘waste seepage’ until we are prepared to take the lid off and allow divine bliss to reveal the true source of the problem.
As with invasive possessive thoughts, the illusions can get through the smallest crack or opportunity and then grows there to block the Spirit’s flow. The only answer is to remove the blockage and repair the damage. That can be a bit painful and time consuming, not least during the process of cutting stubborn roots of illusions, to ensure a complete clearance.

My mind will need more attention before the wisdom flows freely and flexibly in my life, in my togetherness with friends and in my family. Maybe there will be a continual need for our lives to be observed  and inspected  but without any judgments’ from time to time, just to check that no more roots of illusion have got into our life system. I would rather be a flowing a wisdom stream from   divine bliss than a stagnant stream full of ungodliness!
Chaknop Khullar
