Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Inner Voice

My inner voice
At this moment, I am spiritually awakened, my feelings are calm and my mind is empowered with a divine system. I feel to undertake correct decisions for myself, my family and my associates. I  seem to receiving a divine guidance to handle all situations which earlier were stressful to me. The situations do not overwhelm me now.
Now, my earlier tendency to  whim, jealous and fears seem dissolving- I  recognize  them to be my old unconcious mental habits. I recognize them to be unneccessary now.
I am becoming now consciously peaceful and tranquil. My mind now becoming mindful and its temptation  to get triggered: to get upset, anger and fear are getting expelled out. Watching those stressful habits leaving me out, I feel good. Surrounding around me has not changed but I am able to watch the surroundings now more actively and withy much less reaction. Divinely powered, I am enjoying the situations –spiritually.
I  am realizing the warmth of tranquility around me and my folks. I am tempyed to interact with them now with this warmth.The past jerks and jerks while interacting with my partners and friends are dissolving .
To feel stay calm is now sustaining. In past my ego almost stumbled me towards my urges, reactions and anger. It is just amazing to be free of these traits now.
While enjoying this newly found spiritual happiness and comfort zone , I pray God my loved ones, associates and friends could get attracted and drawn to the divine power and transform to their life calm, peaceful and mindful orderly.
Chaknop Khullar