Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ego role

Ego play role of an unexamined assumption, an unconscious thought. The thought that I need to get more so I can be more...Not that I really need more. The ego in its blindness is incapable of seeing the suffering it inflicts on itself and on others. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Shift to peace from botheration: Mindfulness is a stage when the body, mind and sou...

Shift to peace from botheration: Mindfulness is a stage when the body, mind and sou...: Mindfulness is a stage when the body, mind and soul become syncronized and you feel the bliss of peace. When you are absorbed in the bliss o...
Mindfulness is a stage when the body, mind and soul become syncronized and you feel the bliss of peace. When you are absorbed in the bliss of dance naturally in the mind and if you mindfulness is a stage when the body, mind and soul become synchroniaed and you feel the bliss of peace. When you are absorbed in the bliss of dance naturally in the mind and if you want in the body ..That is divine dancing. When you arrive to such a peace, all conflicts in the mind, internal and external, derived from the environment seem to dissolve and you feel nothing, and feel no one is bothering.